Love in Color: Mythical Tales from Around the World, Retold by
Bolu Babalola
My rating:
3 of 5 stars
Reason for DNFing = I really wanted to love this book. "Mythical tales retold" will always hook me in - particularly when they are tales that haven't been retold before (there are only so many Greek myth retellings one can read..). However, I just struggled to get into it. Babalola can certainly write and her characters have a lot more nuance to them than the stereotypical romance characters. Maybe that's the issue. You just get interested in one set of characters and then the story ends. That's probably why I usually don't read short stories. I'm telling myself I'll come back to it to "dip in and dip out" of, but I probably won't. That just isn't how I read.
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