My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Was a bit gobsmacked to discover this book in a local charity shop in my area of East London - I thought I was the proverbial only Ace in the village (probably I'm to be fair; it's yummy mummy central). Thus, I had to buy it given the absolute dearth of Ace-related stuff available.
Bit disappointed with this collection. I didn't mind the fact that the essays weren't that well written as few of the contributors claim to professional writers. But, it was frustrating that so many of them were teenagers or in their early 20s. I would prefer to read more stories about older Aces - particularly as I am 38 and have only just discovered "asexuality" was even a thing in the last couple of years. I think many older Aces might similarly be new to realising their identity because they never flipping realised it existed.
I might investigate if Purple Cake press, the publishers, have any more anthologies that feature older people.
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